Verizon deploys 5G in 13 NFL stages … but coverage will not be optimal

The American operator Verizon announced Thursday, September 5, 2019 deploy the 5G in thirteen stadiums of American football in the United States. Problem: the nature of millimeter waves does not allow them to cross certain obstacles. Sports infrastructures will not be fully covered, which hinders the development of B2B uses.

A powerful network so that viewers can share a good time on social networks, but not enough to broadcast a match on television. Verizon’s 5G technology, which the operator announced Thursday, September 5, 2019 to deploy in thirteen stadiums of the National Football League (NFL) in the United States , could be disappointing in terms of B2B uses. The operator will rely on the waves are called “millimeters” (mmWaves), which guarantee a high speed but can not cross all obstacles in their path.


The millimeter waves – whose frequencies are between 30 and 300 GHz and whose wavelength does not spread over more than 10 mm – do not propagate very far either. For example, no network will be available in corridors or changing rooms. “The service will be concentrated in certain seating areas ,” Verizon said in a statement , “and in the future it may be available elsewhere in and around the stadium.” As reported by our colleagues Ars Technica site , the operator did not want to specify whether the choice to use millimeter waves (rather than other frequency bands such as Sub-5 GHz) are for something. He intends to equip the remaining 18 NFL stadiums soon.

Still, this situation could be detrimental for some B2B uses. Exit, for the moment, the live broadcast of a meeting via the 5G. Beyond the broadcasters, the clubs could also be penalized in their sales of goodies or beverages … just as to collect data, in order to offer a better experience to support . Verizon says that they should eventually be able to use it “as part of security or maintenance operations” .


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