What can US do to minimize economic loss?

US under Trump administration is losing world countries trust on its economy, business and politics. Untimely sanctions, unplaced tariffs, low self confidence on trades and more are the deadly holes in Trump’s administration that have brought laugh of world leaders at him during the most important international convene. For the first time in the history of a country that the speeches of its presidents were always as important as the pieces of its history, the president was a source of mocking. This article considers big mistakes of Trump and his inappropriate actions at UN and other international organizations.

US dollar is useful as long as it’s used. An unused currency will lose the trust of the customers globally leading to a replacement where the new currency fills the gaps of the former. US dollar (signified as $) is now on the breach where world powers are avoiding using it. This is becauseĀ  Russia, China, EU and other powerful, influential countries are setting up a mechanism to replace it. Bitcoin is for the future without any doubt. But at the moment, US dollar has little to do with world business.

In fact the source for any currency is the origin country of such currency and for the owner of that currency, in order to hide its collapse, it’s better to limit its use. US is doing exactly this. After big rise of US external debts, China increased its exports to US by 15%. This led to lose of dollar currency by almost 15% if we assume this percentage was the biggest imports from a country for US.

US has several options in order to hide dollar collapse by:

1- limiting this currency use which will limit its printing and therefore rise in its value by putting sanctions on certain countries

2- limiting imports from other countries using tariffs which results in remaining of the currency inside borders

3- putting world on uncertain paths to manage the situation by chaos

The world has learnt how to deal with US strategies. For the first one, Russia and china are using their own currencies. For the second, Countries with big trades with US easily put their own tariffs against US. and for the third one, governments must increase their bilateral interactions and relations in order to stop enemies make cleavage among them.

Many of the Trump’s strategies aren’t his and were always part of US policies, however, the naive Trump is just serving rich and leaking US policies out in a way that damages US for years.


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