This API allows users to predict the next n
numbers in a sequence of real numbers using a specified machine learning model. It supports multiple programming languages and provides detailed error handling.
POST https://icdst.org/API/
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
type | string | Must be set to "prediction" . |
Yes |
key | string | API key for authentication. Leave empty for free usage (up to 1000 tokens per 24 hours). | No |
model | string | Name of the model to use. If empty, the latest available model will be used. | No |
data | JSON object | Contains n (number of predictions) and numbers (array of real numbers). |
Yes |
Status Code | Response | Description |
200 | {"message":"success!","result":["14","15"],"time":0,"tokens":992} |
Prediction successful. Includes predicted values and remaining tokens. |
400 | {"message":"Incomplete parameters!"} |
Missing or incomplete parameters. |
400 | {"message":"Invalid \"type\" parameter!"} |
type parameter is not set to "prediction" . |
400 | {"message":"\"numbers\" parameter must be an array of real numbers!"} |
numbers parameter is invalid. |
400 | {"message":"Missing \"n\" parameter, or wrong type; \"n\" must be a positive integer!"} |
n parameter is missing or invalid. |
401 | {"message":"Invalid API key"} |
Invalid or unauthorized API key. |
402 | {"message":"Out of tokens! You need at least 6 more tokens to process this request.","tokens":5} |
User does not have enough tokens to process the request. |
Code Examples
// Example usage
$data = [1, 2, 3, 4];
$n = 2;
$key = ''; // Free usage
$model_name = '';
// Validate input parameters
if (!is_array($data) || !is_numeric($n) || $n <= 0) {
echo json_encode(['message' => 'Invalid input parameters']);
// Prepare the payload
$payload = [
'type' => 'prediction',
'key' => $key,
'model' => $model_name,
'data' => json_encode(['n' => $n, 'numbers' => $data])
// Initialize cURL
$ch = curl_init('https://icdst.org/API/');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($payload));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// Execute the request
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
// Decode the JSON response into an array
$responseArray = json_decode($response, true);
// Print the response array
import requests
import json
# Example usage
data = [1, 2, 3, 4]
n = 2
key = '' # Free usage
model_name = ''
# Validate input parameters
if not isinstance(data, list) or not isinstance(n, (int, float)) or n <= 0:
print(json.dumps({'message': 'Invalid input parameters'}))
# Prepare the payload
payload = {
'type': 'prediction',
'key': key,
'model': model_name,
'data': json.dumps({'n': n, 'numbers': data})
# Execute the request
response = requests.post('https://icdst.org/API/', data=payload)
# Decode the JSON response into a dictionary
response_dict = response.json()
# Print the response dictionary
curl -X POST https://icdst.org/API/ \
-d "type=prediction" \
-d "key=" \
-d "model=" \
-d "data={\"n\":5,\"numbers\":[1,2,3,4]}"