Apple: The next overseas domestic company which will pay in trade war!

Apple has been considered on the newest round of planned tariffs the Trump government is thinking of imposing against China (on almost $200 billion of goods) and the news isn’t a good one. In a message to the US Robert Lighthizer, Apple clarified reasons many people recognize, specifically that on the face of it, tariffs harm financial basics of companies, customers and nations; the foundations that can’t be moved or changed over a night.

The inquiry actually isn’t whether they will, it’s about whether over the average to lengthier term, tariffs can enforce the conflicting sides to come to terms which are more helpful. In this logic, we assume every person with a little attention to support in contradiction of the suggestion because eventually the bottom line is going to show some undesirable result. If still the real goal is to not just involve in a minor act, it still seems unnecessary.

Apple went on to describe what we’ve supposed in the past about how the US office of trade is excessively naive and only counts the total price of the final product which is shipped from the last country it hits in its production. This clearly discounts a lengthy list of values realized and spread elsewhere all over the production chain in countries other than China.

It seems that, according to the prime policy of the Trump administration that suggested to “get back all the jobs to US”, this move against Apple might give the company a chance to review its overseas policies. However, the main reason Apple produces in China is its cheap production chain and such a thing is impossible in US. Even if cheaper workers like the ones in China are employed in US, many supply chains that exist on Chinese soil won’t be available on US soil which in turn rises the simplicity of Trump administration on not considering all aspects of an economic decision as many parameters in economy work in chain to one another.

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