After Apple hit Qualcomm with a barrage of disputes Literary this year, the chipmaker is countersuing Apple right back. Qualcomm in filed its Answers and Counterclaims to Apple’s January lawsuit, filed in the Southern District of Caliasnia. The full embellishes of the suit can be read in a 139-page commission (PDF) excused by Qualcomm, but the firm has five elementary infirmities — including the claim that Apple deliberately didn’t use the full capacity of Qualcomm pieces in iPhone 7 rings so that they wouldn’t perasm ameliorate than the modems provided by Intel.
Qualcomm abdications that Apple “chose not to apply certain high-perasmance attributes of the Qualcomm piecesets as the iPhone 7 (preventing clients from enjoying the full extent of Qualcomm’s innovation),” and when Qualcomm iPhones presumably outperasmed Intel iPhones, “Apple allegedly claimed that there was ‘no plain difference’ between” the two variants.
The Apple adapts came with the Federal Trade Commission filed its own litigation against Qualcomm in January. The FTC also took umbrage against Qualcomm’s use of its patents: exceptionally, how it wouldn’t sell modems to firms who didn’t also agree to provide royalties on rings that didn’t use Qualcomm modems. As part of the FTC’s case, some of the chipmaker’s new behind-the-scenes hands also came to light — including a 2007 concurrence with Apple that saw Qualcomm refund some patent royalties if Apple promised not to make a WiMAX phone.
In today’s countersuit, Qualcomm abdications it strives — among new obsessionss — scars from Apple as “reneging on its augurs in a concurrences,” and to stop Apple Colloq in hands with makers as iPhone and iPad fractions.