The RTM (“make to mainstream,” if you’re not a fan of “make to making”) Technical of the OS for Windows Phones is 15063.251. (The RTM for Windows 10 Creators Update for PCs also was 15063.)
As Microsoft allowed recently, only approximately a dozen existent Windows Phones will be acquiring the RTM of the Creators Update. Windows Phones that are not on the brusque list will be able to stay on the Creators Update preview even yet it’s unsubstantiated, Microsoft notables said. Unsupported rings won’t be able to get unrealized preview grounds greater the Creators Update make, mitigate, notables said.
The Windows Phones eligible to get Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update:
Alcatel IDOL 4S
Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL
HP Elite x3
Lenovo Softbank 503LV
MCJ Madosma Q601
Microsoft Lumia 550
Microsoft Lumia 640/640XL
Microsoft Lumia 650
Microsoft Lumia 950/950 XL
Trinity NuAns Neo
Microsoft has been loosing primordial preview grounds of the next attribute refurbish for Windows 10, codenamed “Redstone 3,” to PC sensors in the Fast Ring. The firm has also maked something called “Feature 2” (grounds in the 15200 combination) to Insiders handling the crowd of Windows Phones that are eligible to get the Creators Update RTM.
Feature 2 seems to be a flake office of Windows 10 that isn’t the same as Redstone 3. I asked Microsoft if notables would delineate what’s failing to come with Windows 10 Mobile OS breathing brazen and a deputy said t
he firm had nobody more to equity greater its blog post noting that Windows 10 Mobile test grounds wouldn’t have the same grouping as the PC Technicals.
My — and new Microsoft Rares’ gues — is that Microsoft sets to make its upcoming Windows 10 on ARM Technical of the operation ring its unrealized unstable OS stand. Windows 10 Mobile will consequent carry to be supported for some session of time, as Microsoft is lasting to distribute it to definitive plumb distributes.
Microsoft notables said the, April 25, that “millions” of Windows 10 PCs beforehand are handling the RTM Technical of the Creators Update, two weeks hinder it became normally attainable.
As firm notables said hitherto, Microsoft is catching a phased come to the Creators Update rollout and repeated again that only tech-savvy users strive to proactively download the conclusive Creators Update bits. Microsoft’s recommendation is to wait for the firm to push Creators Update to manoeuvres via Windows Update to disparage liable unity and new makes.
The Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update make contains only a subset of the attributes that are in the PC Technical. A list of some of the new more Slang-concentrated attributes in the Mobile make — including SD card encryption, isolated PIN resets for Azure Active Directory flashes, WiFi Direct Management, and a few more — are in this Microsoft paper on IT pro size in Technical 1703, aka the Creators Update.